Memory problem – in #9: CCLM

in #9: CCLM

<p> Dear Markus, </p> <p> According to your suggestion, I added “ <span class="caps"> SBATCH </span> —time=10:00:00” and “#SBATCH —mem=10000” commands to my script (for 0.44° resolution) but I didn’t change the mpirun to srun. The job terminated because of memory limit (cclm.866.err). </p> <p> In addition to this, I made another test run (for 0.0275° resolution) by adding <span class="caps"> SBATCH </span> commands and changing mpirun to srun but I got a different error. I don’t know if “srun” needs extra settings. I will check it later due to the priority of memory problem. </p> <p> Besides, when I increase the number of nodes or when I use a machine that has higher memory (256GB <span class="caps"> RAM </span> ), the time until crash gets longer as well. However, it consumes 256GB <span class="caps"> RAM </span> and also 13GB swap and eventually it is terminated by oom-killer. </p> <p> Best regards, <br/> Cemre </p>

  @cemreyürük in #f8bd3ca

<p> Dear Markus, </p> <p> According to your suggestion, I added “ <span class="caps"> SBATCH </span> —time=10:00:00” and “#SBATCH —mem=10000” commands to my script (for 0.44° resolution) but I didn’t change the mpirun to srun. The job terminated because of memory limit (cclm.866.err). </p> <p> In addition to this, I made another test run (for 0.0275° resolution) by adding <span class="caps"> SBATCH </span> commands and changing mpirun to srun but I got a different error. I don’t know if “srun” needs extra settings. I will check it later due to the priority of memory problem. </p> <p> Besides, when I increase the number of nodes or when I use a machine that has higher memory (256GB <span class="caps"> RAM </span> ), the time until crash gets longer as well. However, it consumes 256GB <span class="caps"> RAM </span> and also 13GB swap and eventually it is terminated by oom-killer. </p> <p> Best regards, <br/> Cemre </p>

Dear Markus,

According to your suggestion, I added “ SBATCH —time=10:00:00” and “#SBATCH —mem=10000” commands to my script (for 0.44° resolution) but I didn’t change the mpirun to srun. The job terminated because of memory limit (cclm.866.err).

In addition to this, I made another test run (for 0.0275° resolution) by adding SBATCH commands and changing mpirun to srun but I got a different error. I don’t know if “srun” needs extra settings. I will check it later due to the priority of memory problem.

Besides, when I increase the number of nodes or when I use a machine that has higher memory (256GB RAM ), the time until crash gets longer as well. However, it consumes 256GB RAM and also 13GB swap and eventually it is terminated by oom-killer.

Best regards,