in #9: CCLM

<p> Dear All, <br/> we are trying to run the version of COSMO-CLM (clm17) including the urban model. We have added at the external parameter file the 4 additional fields required to run the urban model. We have created it making reference to an existing field URBAN: if URBAN &gt;0, we have assigned a costant value at each additional field. In this way INT2LM works, while COSMO provides all NaN. <br/> Furthermore, we have tried to assign values at additional fields only if URBAN &gt;0.5, In this way, INT2LM works, while <span class="caps"> COSMO </span> exits without providing any message of error. <br/> Is there anyone with experience in this field that can give us any suggestions ? </p>

  @edoardobucchignani in #f548670

<p> Dear All, <br/> we are trying to run the version of COSMO-CLM (clm17) including the urban model. We have added at the external parameter file the 4 additional fields required to run the urban model. We have created it making reference to an existing field URBAN: if URBAN &gt;0, we have assigned a costant value at each additional field. In this way INT2LM works, while COSMO provides all NaN. <br/> Furthermore, we have tried to assign values at additional fields only if URBAN &gt;0.5, In this way, INT2LM works, while <span class="caps"> COSMO </span> exits without providing any message of error. <br/> Is there anyone with experience in this field that can give us any suggestions ? </p>


Dear All,
we are trying to run the version of COSMO-CLM (clm17) including the urban model. We have added at the external parameter file the 4 additional fields required to run the urban model. We have created it making reference to an existing field URBAN: if URBAN >0, we have assigned a costant value at each additional field. In this way INT2LM works, while COSMO provides all NaN.
Furthermore, we have tried to assign values at additional fields only if URBAN >0.5, In this way, INT2LM works, while COSMO exits without providing any message of error.
Is there anyone with experience in this field that can give us any suggestions ?

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