Segmentation fault error in int2lm – in #9: CCLM

in #9: CCLM

<p> 1. Andreas is right, you have to use <code> lprog_qi=.TRUE. </code> for <span class="caps"> ERAI </span> nterim, otherwise the simulation will fail. </p> <p> 2. Please follow the instruction in <code> cclm-sp_2.4/chain/extensions/boundary_data/erainterim/README </code> <br/> You have not made the correct settings in prep and int2lm templates as provided in the <code> cclm-sp_2.4/chain/extensions/boundary_data/erainterim/templates </code> directory. </p>

  @burkhardtrockel in #64845e3

<p> 1. Andreas is right, you have to use <code> lprog_qi=.TRUE. </code> for <span class="caps"> ERAI </span> nterim, otherwise the simulation will fail. </p> <p> 2. Please follow the instruction in <code> cclm-sp_2.4/chain/extensions/boundary_data/erainterim/README </code> <br/> You have not made the correct settings in prep and int2lm templates as provided in the <code> cclm-sp_2.4/chain/extensions/boundary_data/erainterim/templates </code> directory. </p>

1. Andreas is right, you have to use lprog_qi=.TRUE. for ERAI nterim, otherwise the simulation will fail.

2. Please follow the instruction in cclm-sp_2.4/chain/extensions/boundary_data/erainterim/README
You have not made the correct settings in prep and int2lm templates as provided in the cclm-sp_2.4/chain/extensions/boundary_data/erainterim/templates directory.