NaN values in YUPRMASS etc – in #9: CCLM

in #9: CCLM

<p> Dear Hans-Juergen, thanks a lot for your broad hint. I have forgotten to mark out in my previous message, that my run had finished successfully. :) <br/> As for <span class="caps"> RSMIN </span> , I didn’t find it in my laf-file of 0.12 simulation, evidently because of lstomata=.FALSE., isn’t it? </p>

  @vladimirplatonov in #8a349dc

<p> Dear Hans-Juergen, thanks a lot for your broad hint. I have forgotten to mark out in my previous message, that my run had finished successfully. :) <br/> As for <span class="caps"> RSMIN </span> , I didn’t find it in my laf-file of 0.12 simulation, evidently because of lstomata=.FALSE., isn’t it? </p>

Dear Hans-Juergen, thanks a lot for your broad hint. I have forgotten to mark out in my previous message, that my run had finished successfully. :)
As for RSMIN , I didn’t find it in my laf-file of 0.12 simulation, evidently because of lstomata=.FALSE., isn’t it?