CCLM simulations fail on Mistral - floating point exception C – in #9: CCLM

in #9: CCLM

<p> Dear Edoardo, </p> <p> did you realize that the <span class="caps"> ERA </span> -Interim data (caf-files) in /pool/data/CCLM/reanalyses are Netcdf4 compressed? <br/> There is a <span class="caps"> README </span> in the <span class="caps"> ERAINT </span> directory telling that. <br/> Perhaps that is your problem. </p> <p> Alternatively you can try to use the umcompressed caf-files that are available from my workspace: <br/> /work/bb0849/b364034/ERAINT/CCLM_Forcing_Data/ </p> <p> Furthermore, the <span class="caps"> ERAINT </span> data have T_SKIN, thus set “luse_t_skin=.TRUE.“ <br/> Of course, consider also Burkhardt’s suggestion “lprog_qi=.TRUE.”, since QI is also available </p> <p> Hans-Juergen </p>

  @hans-jürgenpanitz in #3996ef2

<p> Dear Edoardo, </p> <p> did you realize that the <span class="caps"> ERA </span> -Interim data (caf-files) in /pool/data/CCLM/reanalyses are Netcdf4 compressed? <br/> There is a <span class="caps"> README </span> in the <span class="caps"> ERAINT </span> directory telling that. <br/> Perhaps that is your problem. </p> <p> Alternatively you can try to use the umcompressed caf-files that are available from my workspace: <br/> /work/bb0849/b364034/ERAINT/CCLM_Forcing_Data/ </p> <p> Furthermore, the <span class="caps"> ERAINT </span> data have T_SKIN, thus set “luse_t_skin=.TRUE.“ <br/> Of course, consider also Burkhardt’s suggestion “lprog_qi=.TRUE.”, since QI is also available </p> <p> Hans-Juergen </p>

Dear Edoardo,

did you realize that the ERA -Interim data (caf-files) in /pool/data/CCLM/reanalyses are Netcdf4 compressed?
There is a README in the ERAINT directory telling that.
Perhaps that is your problem.

Alternatively you can try to use the umcompressed caf-files that are available from my workspace:

Furthermore, the ERAINT data have T_SKIN, thus set “luse_t_skin=.TRUE.“
Of course, consider also Burkhardt’s suggestion “lprog_qi=.TRUE.”, since QI is also available
