How to set up the radiation scheme for Palaeo-simulations? – in #9: CCLM

in #9: CCLM

<p> Your case does not differ much from the case above. <code> zyearmin </code> and <code> zyearmax </code> are only needed, if you fit your <span class="caps"> GHG </span> concentration with a polygon. These values describe the validity range of the polygon. If you do not need this, you can comment out the following lines in src_radiation.f90: <br/> <pre> ! Define upper limits of fitted scenarios polynoms to avoid eloping zyearmin = 1950 IF (ico2_rad &lt; 7) <span class="caps">THEN</span> ! <span class="caps">SRES</span> fitting zyearmax = 2100 <span class="caps">ELSE</span> ! <span class="caps">RCP</span> fitting valid until 2150 zyearmax = 2150 <span class="caps">ENDIF</span></pre> </p> ! zyear can be modified, because it is only used for calculation of CO2 trends IF (zyear &lt; zyearmin) THEN zyear = zyearmin ELSEIF (zyear &gt; zyearmax) THEN zyear = zyearmax <span class="caps"> ENDIF </span> <p> </p>

  @burkhardtrockel in #788bdaa

<p> Your case does not differ much from the case above. <code> zyearmin </code> and <code> zyearmax </code> are only needed, if you fit your <span class="caps"> GHG </span> concentration with a polygon. These values describe the validity range of the polygon. If you do not need this, you can comment out the following lines in src_radiation.f90: <br/> <pre> ! Define upper limits of fitted scenarios polynoms to avoid eloping zyearmin = 1950 IF (ico2_rad &lt; 7) <span class="caps">THEN</span> ! <span class="caps">SRES</span> fitting zyearmax = 2100 <span class="caps">ELSE</span> ! <span class="caps">RCP</span> fitting valid until 2150 zyearmax = 2150 <span class="caps">ENDIF</span></pre> </p> ! zyear can be modified, because it is only used for calculation of CO2 trends IF (zyear &lt; zyearmin) THEN zyear = zyearmin ELSEIF (zyear &gt; zyearmax) THEN zyear = zyearmax <span class="caps"> ENDIF </span> <p> </p>

Your case does not differ much from the case above. zyearmin and zyearmax are only needed, if you fit your GHG concentration with a polygon. These values describe the validity range of the polygon. If you do not need this, you can comment out the following lines in src_radiation.f90:

    ! Define upper limits of fitted scenarios polynoms to avoid eloping
    zyearmin = 1950
    IF (ico2_rad < 7) THEN ! SRES fitting
      zyearmax = 2100
    ELSE                   ! RCP fitting valid until 2150
      zyearmax = 2150

! zyear can be modified, because it is only used for calculation of CO2 trends IF (zyear < zyearmin) THEN zyear = zyearmin ELSEIF (zyear > zyearmax) THEN zyear = zyearmax ENDIF