gribout ERROR plev for interpolation above model top – in #9: CCLM

in #9: CCLM

<p> Dear colleagues, </p> <p> I am writing again in this thread since unfortunately I got the same error message some time steps later in my simulation. <br/> The settings I described in my last contribution to the thread were able to delay the appearing of NaN values in <span class="caps"> YUPRMASS </span> until the time step 5568 (before it would stop on a previous time step ). </p> <p> This time, I got some error messages mentioning the <span class="caps"> CFL </span> criterion. In order to avoid this problem I reduced the time step to 10 seconds. I am using a 2.8km grid so normally with 20 seconds it should suffice. </p> <p> Once done that, the <span class="caps"> CFL </span> -criterion violation messages disappear, still I am getting the plev interpolation error messages. </p> <p> I also tried substituting W for <span class="caps"> OMEGA </span> in the <span class="caps"> GRIBOUT </span> parameters, nevertheless the values shown in <span class="caps"> YUPRMASS </span> still explode to NaNs. </p> <p> Does anybody know where the problem could be? Or if anybody did <span class="caps"> CCLM </span> simulations on a 2.8 grid over mountain areas such as the Alps, could you send me the settings used? </p> <p> I attach the settings that I am currently using together with the model debugging output. </p> <p> Thanks in advance </p> <p> Alberto </p>

  @albertocaldas-alvarez in #72ab728

<p> Dear colleagues, </p> <p> I am writing again in this thread since unfortunately I got the same error message some time steps later in my simulation. <br/> The settings I described in my last contribution to the thread were able to delay the appearing of NaN values in <span class="caps"> YUPRMASS </span> until the time step 5568 (before it would stop on a previous time step ). </p> <p> This time, I got some error messages mentioning the <span class="caps"> CFL </span> criterion. In order to avoid this problem I reduced the time step to 10 seconds. I am using a 2.8km grid so normally with 20 seconds it should suffice. </p> <p> Once done that, the <span class="caps"> CFL </span> -criterion violation messages disappear, still I am getting the plev interpolation error messages. </p> <p> I also tried substituting W for <span class="caps"> OMEGA </span> in the <span class="caps"> GRIBOUT </span> parameters, nevertheless the values shown in <span class="caps"> YUPRMASS </span> still explode to NaNs. </p> <p> Does anybody know where the problem could be? Or if anybody did <span class="caps"> CCLM </span> simulations on a 2.8 grid over mountain areas such as the Alps, could you send me the settings used? </p> <p> I attach the settings that I am currently using together with the model debugging output. </p> <p> Thanks in advance </p> <p> Alberto </p>

Dear colleagues,

I am writing again in this thread since unfortunately I got the same error message some time steps later in my simulation.
The settings I described in my last contribution to the thread were able to delay the appearing of NaN values in YUPRMASS until the time step 5568 (before it would stop on a previous time step ).

This time, I got some error messages mentioning the CFL criterion. In order to avoid this problem I reduced the time step to 10 seconds. I am using a 2.8km grid so normally with 20 seconds it should suffice.

Once done that, the CFL -criterion violation messages disappear, still I am getting the plev interpolation error messages.

I also tried substituting W for OMEGA in the GRIBOUT parameters, nevertheless the values shown in YUPRMASS still explode to NaNs.

Does anybody know where the problem could be? Or if anybody did CCLM simulations on a 2.8 grid over mountain areas such as the Alps, could you send me the settings used?

I attach the settings that I am currently using together with the model debugging output.

Thanks in advance
