gribout ERROR plev for interpolation above model top – in #9: CCLM

in #9: CCLM

<p> Hello Weidan, <br/> in your cclm_735_stdout.txt file I see, that you get <span class="caps"> CFL </span> violations during the run. The output for is the first after these violations where you interpolate on pressure levels. </p> <p> You should check, whether these <span class="caps"> CFL </span> -violations ruin your simulation. Often, the interpolation to pressure levels is the first part, where the model notices that. </p> <p> Ciao <br/> Uli </p>

  @ulrichschättler in #200a5c4

<p> Hello Weidan, <br/> in your cclm_735_stdout.txt file I see, that you get <span class="caps"> CFL </span> violations during the run. The output for is the first after these violations where you interpolate on pressure levels. </p> <p> You should check, whether these <span class="caps"> CFL </span> -violations ruin your simulation. Often, the interpolation to pressure levels is the first part, where the model notices that. </p> <p> Ciao <br/> Uli </p>

Hello Weidan,
in your cclm_735_stdout.txt file I see, that you get CFL violations during the run. The output for is the first after these violations where you interpolate on pressure levels.

You should check, whether these CFL -violations ruin your simulation. Often, the interpolation to pressure levels is the first part, where the model notices that.
