DIACTL number of station list – in #9: CCLM

in #9: CCLM

<p> Hello Merja, <br/> there is a limit, it is in the module src_gridpoints.f90 and the PARAMETER is nmaxgp: but in our version this is set to 100, so should not be a limitation for you. Please check this. But also check your specifications, if your nmaxgp &gt; 21 </p> <p> Ciao <br/> Uli </p>

  @ulrichschättler in #4faeb87

<p> Hello Merja, <br/> there is a limit, it is in the module src_gridpoints.f90 and the PARAMETER is nmaxgp: but in our version this is set to 100, so should not be a limitation for you. Please check this. But also check your specifications, if your nmaxgp &gt; 21 </p> <p> Ciao <br/> Uli </p>

Hello Merja,
there is a limit, it is in the module src_gridpoints.f90 and the PARAMETER is nmaxgp: but in our version this is set to 100, so should not be a limitation for you. Please check this. But also check your specifications, if your nmaxgp > 21
