Error due to namelist in PHYCTL group – in #9: CCLM

in #9: CCLM

<p> Thank you for your advice. I removed all of the comments. Still the simulations stopps with reading the <span class="caps"> PHYCTL </span> group with the following error: </p> <p> 281: <strong> —————————————————————————————— </strong> <br/> 281: * <span class="caps"> PROGRAM </span> <span class="caps"> TERMINATED </span> <span class="caps"> BECAUSE </span> OF <span class="caps"> ERRORS </span> DETECTED <br/> 281: * IN <span class="caps"> ROUTINE </span> : organize_physics: input <br/> 281: * <br/> 281: * <span class="caps"> ERROR </span> <span class="caps"> CODE </span> is 2103 <br/> 281: * <span class="caps"> ERROR </span> *** while reading <span class="caps"> NAMELIST </span> Group /PHYCTL/ *** <br/> 281: <strong> —————————————————————————————— </strong> </p> <p> Then I reduced the namelist of the <span class="caps"> PHYCTL </span> group and that works! Do you think the namelist configuration really differs from the previous one? Do you see any major changes of the new reduced namelist version? </p> <p> Here is the reduced version of <span class="caps"> PHYCTL </span> : <br/> &amp;PHYCTL lseaice = .FALSE., lgsp = .TRUE., itype_gscp = 4, lrad = .TRUE., hincrad = 0.25, ico2_rad = 2, ltur = .TRUE., ninctura = 1, lexpcor=.FALSE., ltmpcor=.FALSE., lprfcor=.FALSE., lnonloc=.FALSE., lcpfluc=.FALSE., lconf_avg=.TRUE., itype_turb = 3, !SW1 3 ! itype_root = 1, ! itype_heatcond = 1, imode_turb = 1, itype_tran = 2, imode_tran = 1, icldm_rad = 4, icldm_tran = 0, itype_synd = 1, lsoil = .TRUE., itype_evsl = 2, itype_trvg = 2, lmulti_layer = .TRUE., itype_albedo=@{ITYPE_ALBEDO}, itype_aerosol=@{ITYPE_AEROSOL}, lforest = <code> {LFOREST}, ke_soil = </code> {KE_SOIL}, czml_soil=@{CZML_SOIL}, llake=@{LLAKE}, lconv = .TRUE., nincconv = 4, lcape = .FALSE., itype_conv=2, lforest=.TRUE., lsso=.FALSE., nradcoarse = 1, lradf_avg = .FALSE., lconv_inst = .FALSE., limpltkediff = .TRUE., ltkesso = .TRUE., <br/> ! lturhor = .FALSE., <br/> ! lradtopo = .FALSE., icldm_turb=, ltkecon=FALSE, itype_sher=1 <br/> /END </p>

  @merjatölle in #1c95e70

<p> Thank you for your advice. I removed all of the comments. Still the simulations stopps with reading the <span class="caps"> PHYCTL </span> group with the following error: </p> <p> 281: <strong> —————————————————————————————— </strong> <br/> 281: * <span class="caps"> PROGRAM </span> <span class="caps"> TERMINATED </span> <span class="caps"> BECAUSE </span> OF <span class="caps"> ERRORS </span> DETECTED <br/> 281: * IN <span class="caps"> ROUTINE </span> : organize_physics: input <br/> 281: * <br/> 281: * <span class="caps"> ERROR </span> <span class="caps"> CODE </span> is 2103 <br/> 281: * <span class="caps"> ERROR </span> *** while reading <span class="caps"> NAMELIST </span> Group /PHYCTL/ *** <br/> 281: <strong> —————————————————————————————— </strong> </p> <p> Then I reduced the namelist of the <span class="caps"> PHYCTL </span> group and that works! Do you think the namelist configuration really differs from the previous one? Do you see any major changes of the new reduced namelist version? </p> <p> Here is the reduced version of <span class="caps"> PHYCTL </span> : <br/> &amp;PHYCTL lseaice = .FALSE., lgsp = .TRUE., itype_gscp = 4, lrad = .TRUE., hincrad = 0.25, ico2_rad = 2, ltur = .TRUE., ninctura = 1, lexpcor=.FALSE., ltmpcor=.FALSE., lprfcor=.FALSE., lnonloc=.FALSE., lcpfluc=.FALSE., lconf_avg=.TRUE., itype_turb = 3, !SW1 3 ! itype_root = 1, ! itype_heatcond = 1, imode_turb = 1, itype_tran = 2, imode_tran = 1, icldm_rad = 4, icldm_tran = 0, itype_synd = 1, lsoil = .TRUE., itype_evsl = 2, itype_trvg = 2, lmulti_layer = .TRUE., itype_albedo=@{ITYPE_ALBEDO}, itype_aerosol=@{ITYPE_AEROSOL}, lforest = <code> {LFOREST}, ke_soil = </code> {KE_SOIL}, czml_soil=@{CZML_SOIL}, llake=@{LLAKE}, lconv = .TRUE., nincconv = 4, lcape = .FALSE., itype_conv=2, lforest=.TRUE., lsso=.FALSE., nradcoarse = 1, lradf_avg = .FALSE., lconv_inst = .FALSE., limpltkediff = .TRUE., ltkesso = .TRUE., <br/> ! lturhor = .FALSE., <br/> ! lradtopo = .FALSE., icldm_turb=, ltkecon=FALSE, itype_sher=1 <br/> /END </p>

Thank you for your advice. I removed all of the comments. Still the simulations stopps with reading the PHYCTL group with the following error:

281: ——————————————————————————————
281: * IN ROUTINE : organize_physics: input
281: *
281: * ERROR CODE is 2103
281: * ERROR *** while reading NAMELIST Group /PHYCTL/ ***
281: ——————————————————————————————

Then I reduced the namelist of the PHYCTL group and that works! Do you think the namelist configuration really differs from the previous one? Do you see any major changes of the new reduced namelist version?

Here is the reduced version of PHYCTL :
&PHYCTL lseaice = .FALSE., lgsp = .TRUE., itype_gscp = 4, lrad = .TRUE., hincrad = 0.25, ico2_rad = 2, ltur = .TRUE., ninctura = 1, lexpcor=.FALSE., ltmpcor=.FALSE., lprfcor=.FALSE., lnonloc=.FALSE., lcpfluc=.FALSE., lconf_avg=.TRUE., itype_turb = 3, !SW1 3 ! itype_root = 1, ! itype_heatcond = 1, imode_turb = 1, itype_tran = 2, imode_tran = 1, icldm_rad = 4, icldm_tran = 0, itype_synd = 1, lsoil = .TRUE., itype_evsl = 2, itype_trvg = 2, lmulti_layer = .TRUE., itype_albedo=@{ITYPE_ALBEDO}, itype_aerosol=@{ITYPE_AEROSOL}, lforest = {LFOREST}, ke_soil = {KE_SOIL}, czml_soil=@{CZML_SOIL}, llake=@{LLAKE}, lconv = .TRUE., nincconv = 4, lcape = .FALSE., itype_conv=2, lforest=.TRUE., lsso=.FALSE., nradcoarse = 1, lradf_avg = .FALSE., lconv_inst = .FALSE., limpltkediff = .TRUE., ltkesso = .TRUE.,
! lturhor = .FALSE.,
! lradtopo = .FALSE., icldm_turb=, ltkecon=FALSE, itype_sher=1