COSMO5.0 simulation: Too cold in winter – in #9: CCLM

in #9: CCLM

<p> I have performed a simulation with the same <span class="caps"> YUSPECIF </span> as yours (except the period: 1980-1984). <br/> The comparison to <span class="caps"> EOBS </span> data shows no such large errors as your results (see attachment). <br/> Maybe there is an error in the pre- or postprocessing of your data? </p>

  @burkhardtrockel in #5a4fa54

<p> I have performed a simulation with the same <span class="caps"> YUSPECIF </span> as yours (except the period: 1980-1984). <br/> The comparison to <span class="caps"> EOBS </span> data shows no such large errors as your results (see attachment). <br/> Maybe there is an error in the pre- or postprocessing of your data? </p>

I have performed a simulation with the same YUSPECIF as yours (except the period: 1980-1984).
The comparison to EOBS data shows no such large errors as your results (see attachment).
Maybe there is an error in the pre- or postprocessing of your data?