COSMO5.0 simulation: Too cold in winter – in #9: CCLM

in #9: CCLM

<p> Hi Burkhardt, </p> <p> thank you very much. I also found that there is no big changes in the simulation with your <span class="caps"> YUSPECIF </span> . I try to find the reason for such large biases from my post-processing. I will let you know when I find it. </p> <p> Greetings, <br/> Bo </p>

  @bohuang in #2476dbc

<p> Hi Burkhardt, </p> <p> thank you very much. I also found that there is no big changes in the simulation with your <span class="caps"> YUSPECIF </span> . I try to find the reason for such large biases from my post-processing. I will let you know when I find it. </p> <p> Greetings, <br/> Bo </p>

Hi Burkhardt,

thank you very much. I also found that there is no big changes in the simulation with your YUSPECIF . I try to find the reason for such large biases from my post-processing. I will let you know when I find it.
