repeating postprocessing job – in #9: CCLM

in #9: CCLM

<p> Hi, <br/> you can have a look into your jobs directory of your experiment and rerun the post(yourEXID).job. You can either run the whole postprocessing job or copy the desired lines out of this script into your terminal. <br/> Hope this helps. <br/> Best regards, <br/> Merja </p>

  @merjatölle in #f521806

<p> Hi, <br/> you can have a look into your jobs directory of your experiment and rerun the post(yourEXID).job. You can either run the whole postprocessing job or copy the desired lines out of this script into your terminal. <br/> Hope this helps. <br/> Best regards, <br/> Merja </p>

you can have a look into your jobs directory of your experiment and rerun the post(yourEXID).job. You can either run the whole postprocessing job or copy the desired lines out of this script into your terminal.
Hope this helps.
Best regards,