Failed to produce diagnostic output – in #9: CCLM

in #9: CCLM

<p> Dear members, <br/> I specified a list of stations for grid point output in my cclm-job, but after my simulations finished no grip point ouputs for those stations are written to joboutputs/cclm/YYYY_MM. The parameters in &amp;DIACTL are set and also in Runctl ldiagnos is set to .TRUE. Does anybody have an idea about what went wrong? In the attachment you find the namlist, <span class="caps"> YUSPECIF </span> und joblog. <br/> Thank you very much for helping me regarding this issue. <br/> Best regards, <br/> Merja </p>

  @merjatölle in #5359865

<p> Dear members, <br/> I specified a list of stations for grid point output in my cclm-job, but after my simulations finished no grip point ouputs for those stations are written to joboutputs/cclm/YYYY_MM. The parameters in &amp;DIACTL are set and also in Runctl ldiagnos is set to .TRUE. Does anybody have an idea about what went wrong? In the attachment you find the namlist, <span class="caps"> YUSPECIF </span> und joblog. <br/> Thank you very much for helping me regarding this issue. <br/> Best regards, <br/> Merja </p>

Failed to produce diagnostic output

Dear members,
I specified a list of stations for grid point output in my cclm-job, but after my simulations finished no grip point ouputs for those stations are written to joboutputs/cclm/YYYY_MM. The parameters in &DIACTL are set and also in Runctl ldiagnos is set to .TRUE. Does anybody have an idea about what went wrong? In the attachment you find the namlist, YUSPECIF und joblog.
Thank you very much for helping me regarding this issue.
Best regards,

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<p> You set all logical output parameters to <code> FALSE </code> in <code> DIACTL </code> . <br/> <pre> lgplong=.FALSE., lgpshort=.FALSE., lgpspec=.FALSE., </pre> <br/> Have you tried to set one of those to <code> TRUE </code> ? For instance <br/> <pre> lgplong=.FALSE., lgpshort=.TRUE., lgpspec=.FALSE., </pre> </p>

  @burkhardtrockel in #f1bd095

<p> You set all logical output parameters to <code> FALSE </code> in <code> DIACTL </code> . <br/> <pre> lgplong=.FALSE., lgpshort=.FALSE., lgpspec=.FALSE., </pre> <br/> Have you tried to set one of those to <code> TRUE </code> ? For instance <br/> <pre> lgplong=.FALSE., lgpshort=.TRUE., lgpspec=.FALSE., </pre> </p>

You set all logical output parameters to FALSE in DIACTL .

 lgplong=.FALSE., lgpshort=.FALSE., lgpspec=.FALSE.,

Have you tried to set one of those to TRUE ? For instance
 lgplong=.FALSE., lgpshort=.TRUE., lgpspec=.FALSE.,

<p> Ah, that is the one. Could not see the trees in the forest :) <br/> Thanks a lot. <br/> Cheers, <br/> Merja </p>

  @merjatölle in #8606a63

<p> Ah, that is the one. Could not see the trees in the forest :) <br/> Thanks a lot. <br/> Cheers, <br/> Merja </p>

Ah, that is the one. Could not see the trees in the forest :)
Thanks a lot.