probem with run cclm on the super computer – in #9: CCLM

in #9: CCLM

<p> Dear Sir/madam, <br/> I have tried to use the cclm on our supercomputer, but it seems there are some problem with cclm. <br/> I have included the Fopts for int2lm and cclm and also the run_int2lm and run_cclm. <br/> It seems that we can compile both int21 and cclm. However, we can only run run_int2lm but not run_cclm. <br/> There are outputs in data folder for int21lm but not for cclm. </p> <p> The four files I have included are <br/> int2lm_Fopts: It can compile and generate int2lm.exe <br/> cclm_Fopts: It can compile and generate cclm.exe <br/> run_int2lm: It runs on our supercomputer and generate files, <br/> run_cclm: Does not work and shows the errors as <br/> MPT <span class="caps"> ERROR </span> : Rank 9(g:9) is aborting with error code 2004. </p> Process ID: 4100, Host: r7i2n4, Program: /work/xiangph/CCLM/cclm-sp/src/cclm/bin/cclm.exe <span class="caps"> MPT </span> Version: <span class="caps"> SGI </span> <span class="caps"> MPT </span> 2.14 04/05/16 03:46:09 <p> <span class="caps"> MPT </span> : ————stack traceback———- <br/> MPT <span class="caps"> ERROR </span> : Rank 12(g:12) is aborting with error code 2004. Process ID: 4938, Host: r7i2n5, Program: /work/xiangph/CCLM/cclm-sp/src/cclm/bin/cclm.exe <span class="caps"> MPT </span> Version: <span class="caps"> SGI </span> <span class="caps"> MPT </span> 2.14 04/05/16 03:46:09 </p> <p> <span class="caps"> MPT </span> : ————stack traceback———- <br/> MPT <span class="caps"> ERROR </span> : <span class="caps"> MPI </span> _COMM_WORLD rank 14 has terminated without calling <span class="caps"> MPI </span> _Finalize() aborting job </p> <p> Do you think there are some setting problem? I have asked the expert in the supercomputer center regarding the setting, and they reply that they could not notice what is wrong. </p> <p> Thank you for your help in advanced </p>

  @redc_migration in #384cd57

<p> Dear Sir/madam, <br/> I have tried to use the cclm on our supercomputer, but it seems there are some problem with cclm. <br/> I have included the Fopts for int2lm and cclm and also the run_int2lm and run_cclm. <br/> It seems that we can compile both int21 and cclm. However, we can only run run_int2lm but not run_cclm. <br/> There are outputs in data folder for int21lm but not for cclm. </p> <p> The four files I have included are <br/> int2lm_Fopts: It can compile and generate int2lm.exe <br/> cclm_Fopts: It can compile and generate cclm.exe <br/> run_int2lm: It runs on our supercomputer and generate files, <br/> run_cclm: Does not work and shows the errors as <br/> MPT <span class="caps"> ERROR </span> : Rank 9(g:9) is aborting with error code 2004. </p> Process ID: 4100, Host: r7i2n4, Program: /work/xiangph/CCLM/cclm-sp/src/cclm/bin/cclm.exe <span class="caps"> MPT </span> Version: <span class="caps"> SGI </span> <span class="caps"> MPT </span> 2.14 04/05/16 03:46:09 <p> <span class="caps"> MPT </span> : ————stack traceback———- <br/> MPT <span class="caps"> ERROR </span> : Rank 12(g:12) is aborting with error code 2004. Process ID: 4938, Host: r7i2n5, Program: /work/xiangph/CCLM/cclm-sp/src/cclm/bin/cclm.exe <span class="caps"> MPT </span> Version: <span class="caps"> SGI </span> <span class="caps"> MPT </span> 2.14 04/05/16 03:46:09 </p> <p> <span class="caps"> MPT </span> : ————stack traceback———- <br/> MPT <span class="caps"> ERROR </span> : <span class="caps"> MPI </span> _COMM_WORLD rank 14 has terminated without calling <span class="caps"> MPI </span> _Finalize() aborting job </p> <p> Do you think there are some setting problem? I have asked the expert in the supercomputer center regarding the setting, and they reply that they could not notice what is wrong. </p> <p> Thank you for your help in advanced </p>

probem with run cclm on the super computer

Dear Sir/madam,
I have tried to use the cclm on our supercomputer, but it seems there are some problem with cclm.
I have included the Fopts for int2lm and cclm and also the run_int2lm and run_cclm.
It seems that we can compile both int21 and cclm. However, we can only run run_int2lm but not run_cclm.
There are outputs in data folder for int21lm but not for cclm.

The four files I have included are
int2lm_Fopts: It can compile and generate int2lm.exe
cclm_Fopts: It can compile and generate cclm.exe
run_int2lm: It runs on our supercomputer and generate files,
run_cclm: Does not work and shows the errors as
MPT ERROR : Rank 9(g:9) is aborting with error code 2004.

Process ID: 4100, Host: r7i2n4, Program: /work/xiangph/CCLM/cclm-sp/src/cclm/bin/cclm.exe MPT Version: SGI MPT 2.14 04/05/16 03:46:09

MPT : ————stack traceback———-
MPT ERROR : Rank 12(g:12) is aborting with error code 2004. Process ID: 4938, Host: r7i2n5, Program: /work/xiangph/CCLM/cclm-sp/src/cclm/bin/cclm.exe MPT Version: SGI MPT 2.14 04/05/16 03:46:09

MPT : ————stack traceback———-
MPT ERROR : MPI _COMM_WORLD rank 14 has terminated without calling MPI _Finalize() aborting job

Do you think there are some setting problem? I have asked the expert in the supercomputer center regarding the setting, and they reply that they could not notice what is wrong.

Thank you for your help in advanced

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