Restarting finished job – in #9: CCLM

in #9: CCLM

<p> Thanks much. <br/> I apparently did something wrong. </p> <p> I use the (1.3.4) subchain version (is it the latest?). <br/> I submitted ./subchain create and now have the ….chain/scratch/…directory (which is empty). <br/> The date.log howvere contains the date which is equial to <span class="caps"> YDATE </span> _START. <br/> After that I attempted to submit a restart job ./subchain cclm <span class="caps"> DATE </span> <br/> where the <span class="caps"> DATE </span> is that from the original date.log file – i.e. not that created by the ./subchain create but the job has stopped – first the cclm and then the prep and int2lm. </p> <p> The subchain date.log and the log files + the files from jobs directory (tarred) are attached. <br/> Please have a look. <br/> Simon </p>

  @redc_migration in #5562dfb

<p> Thanks much. <br/> I apparently did something wrong. </p> <p> I use the (1.3.4) subchain version (is it the latest?). <br/> I submitted ./subchain create and now have the ….chain/scratch/…directory (which is empty). <br/> The date.log howvere contains the date which is equial to <span class="caps"> YDATE </span> _START. <br/> After that I attempted to submit a restart job ./subchain cclm <span class="caps"> DATE </span> <br/> where the <span class="caps"> DATE </span> is that from the original date.log file – i.e. not that created by the ./subchain create but the job has stopped – first the cclm and then the prep and int2lm. </p> <p> The subchain date.log and the log files + the files from jobs directory (tarred) are attached. <br/> Please have a look. <br/> Simon </p>

Thanks much.
I apparently did something wrong.

I use the (1.3.4) subchain version (is it the latest?).
I submitted ./subchain create and now have the ….chain/scratch/…directory (which is empty).
The date.log howvere contains the date which is equial to YDATE _START.
After that I attempted to submit a restart job ./subchain cclm DATE
where the DATE is that from the original date.log file – i.e. not that created by the ./subchain create but the job has stopped – first the cclm and then the prep and int2lm.

The subchain date.log and the log files + the files from jobs directory (tarred) are attached.
Please have a look.