Error with CCLM defining itheta_adv – in #9: CCLM

in #9: CCLM

<p> Dear all, </p> <p> I am running <span class="caps"> CCLM </span> for quite a long time according to <span class="caps"> MENA </span> - <span class="caps"> CORDEX </span> . The computer got several updates (including new compilers), the different parts of the model were recompiled successfuly and suddenly, tryin to continue running it, I got the next error message: </p> INPUT OF THE NAMELISTS FOR DYNAMICS DOMAIN SIZE (approx.) in m: L_x = 8060013.27528276 L_y = 6458433.47389154 ERROR *** Wrong value for itheta_adv: 77788432 *** *** must be &gt;= 0 and &lt;= 2 !!! *** <strong> —————————————————————————————— </strong> * <span class="caps"> PROGRAM </span> <span class="caps"> TERMINATED </span> <span class="caps"> BECAUSE </span> OF <span class="caps"> ERRORS </span> DETECTED * IN <span class="caps"> ROUTINE </span> : organize_dynamics: input * * <span class="caps"> ERROR </span> <span class="caps"> CODE </span> is 104 * <span class="caps"> ERROR </span> *** Wrong values occured in <span class="caps"> NAMELIST </span> <span class="caps"> INPUT </span> _DYN *** <strong> —————————————————————————————— </strong> MPT: Global rank 0 is aborting with error code 104. Process ID: 16806, Host: n033, Program: /Climate/cclm-sp_1.4_MENA/src/cclm/bin/cclm <p> Though, the itheta_adv value is defined as zero in the <span class="caps"> CCLM </span> template. <br/> Strange enough, when I tried to run it again, the model has “agreed” to progress one more month and then crushed. What might be the reason and what can I do to make the model running? </p> <p> The subchain, cclm template file as well as the error message are attached. <br/> Giora </p>

  @redc_migration in #193a211

<p> Dear all, </p> <p> I am running <span class="caps"> CCLM </span> for quite a long time according to <span class="caps"> MENA </span> - <span class="caps"> CORDEX </span> . The computer got several updates (including new compilers), the different parts of the model were recompiled successfuly and suddenly, tryin to continue running it, I got the next error message: </p> INPUT OF THE NAMELISTS FOR DYNAMICS DOMAIN SIZE (approx.) in m: L_x = 8060013.27528276 L_y = 6458433.47389154 ERROR *** Wrong value for itheta_adv: 77788432 *** *** must be &gt;= 0 and &lt;= 2 !!! *** <strong> —————————————————————————————— </strong> * <span class="caps"> PROGRAM </span> <span class="caps"> TERMINATED </span> <span class="caps"> BECAUSE </span> OF <span class="caps"> ERRORS </span> DETECTED * IN <span class="caps"> ROUTINE </span> : organize_dynamics: input * * <span class="caps"> ERROR </span> <span class="caps"> CODE </span> is 104 * <span class="caps"> ERROR </span> *** Wrong values occured in <span class="caps"> NAMELIST </span> <span class="caps"> INPUT </span> _DYN *** <strong> —————————————————————————————— </strong> MPT: Global rank 0 is aborting with error code 104. Process ID: 16806, Host: n033, Program: /Climate/cclm-sp_1.4_MENA/src/cclm/bin/cclm <p> Though, the itheta_adv value is defined as zero in the <span class="caps"> CCLM </span> template. <br/> Strange enough, when I tried to run it again, the model has “agreed” to progress one more month and then crushed. What might be the reason and what can I do to make the model running? </p> <p> The subchain, cclm template file as well as the error message are attached. <br/> Giora </p>

Error with CCLM defining itheta_adv

Dear all,

I am running CCLM for quite a long time according to MENA - CORDEX . The computer got several updates (including new compilers), the different parts of the model were recompiled successfuly and suddenly, tryin to continue running it, I got the next error message:

INPUT OF THE NAMELISTS FOR DYNAMICS DOMAIN SIZE (approx.) in m: L_x = 8060013.27528276 L_y = 6458433.47389154 ERROR *** Wrong value for itheta_adv: 77788432 *** *** must be >= 0 and <= 2 !!! *** —————————————————————————————— * PROGRAM TERMINATED BECAUSE OF ERRORS DETECTED * IN ROUTINE : organize_dynamics: input * * ERROR CODE is 104 * ERROR *** Wrong values occured in NAMELIST INPUT _DYN *** —————————————————————————————— MPT: Global rank 0 is aborting with error code 104. Process ID: 16806, Host: n033, Program: /Climate/cclm-sp_1.4_MENA/src/cclm/bin/cclm

Though, the itheta_adv value is defined as zero in the CCLM template.
Strange enough, when I tried to run it again, the model has “agreed” to progress one more month and then crushed. What might be the reason and what can I do to make the model running?

The subchain, cclm template file as well as the error message are attached.

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