__libm_error_support on the nested domain – in #9: CCLM

in #9: CCLM

<p> Dear Hans-Juergen, thanks a lot for your hint anyway! I have changed dt to 20 seconds according to your recommendations, however there are no changes in results, model crashed with the same errors. However, the “Conflicting <span class="caps"> CPU </span> frequencies detected” message is not the only cause for crash, because I have run an other job for base domain, which get the “Conflicting <span class="caps"> CPU </span> frequencies detected” message, but didn’t crash. The “__libm_error_support” appears by the nested run only. </p>

  @vladimirplatonov in #4e5ff32

<p> Dear Hans-Juergen, thanks a lot for your hint anyway! I have changed dt to 20 seconds according to your recommendations, however there are no changes in results, model crashed with the same errors. However, the “Conflicting <span class="caps"> CPU </span> frequencies detected” message is not the only cause for crash, because I have run an other job for base domain, which get the “Conflicting <span class="caps"> CPU </span> frequencies detected” message, but didn’t crash. The “__libm_error_support” appears by the nested run only. </p>

Dear Hans-Juergen, thanks a lot for your hint anyway! I have changed dt to 20 seconds according to your recommendations, however there are no changes in results, model crashed with the same errors. However, the “Conflicting CPU frequencies detected” message is not the only cause for crash, because I have run an other job for base domain, which get the “Conflicting CPU frequencies detected” message, but didn’t crash. The “__libm_error_support” appears by the nested run only.