Single Column Simulation with CCLM – in #8: General Questions

in #8: General Questions

<p> Ok, I see one problem: You have ie_tot=je_tot=21 and nprocx=nprocy=24! I wonder that it works at all. Because this means that you distribute the 21×21=441 grid points to 24×24=576 processors. <br/> You have to use nprocx=nprocy=1 (!), so only 1 <span class="caps"> CPU </span> . Then it should also work with less grid points. You have nboundlines=3 (what you need for the dynamics), so can try to use ie_tot=je_tot=7. This is one grid point in the interior domain and 3 grid points of boundaries around. </p> <p> I am sorry that I cannot help further, because this is my last day before I leave for 3 weeks of holidays. Good Luck! </p>

  @ulrichschättler in #cb8361a

<p> Ok, I see one problem: You have ie_tot=je_tot=21 and nprocx=nprocy=24! I wonder that it works at all. Because this means that you distribute the 21×21=441 grid points to 24×24=576 processors. <br/> You have to use nprocx=nprocy=1 (!), so only 1 <span class="caps"> CPU </span> . Then it should also work with less grid points. You have nboundlines=3 (what you need for the dynamics), so can try to use ie_tot=je_tot=7. This is one grid point in the interior domain and 3 grid points of boundaries around. </p> <p> I am sorry that I cannot help further, because this is my last day before I leave for 3 weeks of holidays. Good Luck! </p>

Ok, I see one problem: You have ie_tot=je_tot=21 and nprocx=nprocy=24! I wonder that it works at all. Because this means that you distribute the 21×21=441 grid points to 24×24=576 processors.
You have to use nprocx=nprocy=1 (!), so only 1 CPU . Then it should also work with less grid points. You have nboundlines=3 (what you need for the dynamics), so can try to use ie_tot=je_tot=7. This is one grid point in the interior domain and 3 grid points of boundaries around.

I am sorry that I cannot help further, because this is my last day before I leave for 3 weeks of holidays. Good Luck!