extreme value of precipitation over tropic – in #8: General Questions

in #8: General Questions

<p> Unfortunately, the corresponding INT2LM namelist to the link Hans-Jürgen provided above is not given in the namelist tool (at least I cannot find it). In the following is the list of the namelist block you need to adapt in the INT2LM. Replace the <code> </code> {xxxx}@ by the values you use. ke_tot=35 <br/> <pre> &amp;LMGRID ivctype = 2, irefatm = 2, ielm_tot=@{IE_TOT}, jelm_tot=@{JE_TOT}, kelm_tot=@{KE_TOT}, pollat = <code>{POLLAT}, pollon = </code>{POLLON}, polgam = <code>{POLGAM}, dlon=</code>{DLON}, dlat=@{DLAT}, startlat_tot = <code>{STARTLAT_TOT}, startlon_tot = </code>{STARTLON_TOT}, ke_soil_lm=@{KE_SOIL}, czml_soil_lm = @{CZML_SOIL}, vcflat=11000.0, vcoord_d=30000., 27800., 25710., 23730., 21860., 20090., 18420., 16840., 15360., 13970., 12670., 11450., 10320., 9260., 8280., 7370., 6540., 5770., 5060., 4420., 3830., 3300., 2820., 2390., 2010., 1670., 1370., 1110., 880., 690., 520., 370., 250., 150., 70., 0., /END </pre> </p>

  @burkhardtrockel in #c13dd55

<p> Unfortunately, the corresponding INT2LM namelist to the link Hans-Jürgen provided above is not given in the namelist tool (at least I cannot find it). In the following is the list of the namelist block you need to adapt in the INT2LM. Replace the <code> </code> {xxxx}@ by the values you use. ke_tot=35 <br/> <pre> &amp;LMGRID ivctype = 2, irefatm = 2, ielm_tot=@{IE_TOT}, jelm_tot=@{JE_TOT}, kelm_tot=@{KE_TOT}, pollat = <code>{POLLAT}, pollon = </code>{POLLON}, polgam = <code>{POLGAM}, dlon=</code>{DLON}, dlat=@{DLAT}, startlat_tot = <code>{STARTLAT_TOT}, startlon_tot = </code>{STARTLON_TOT}, ke_soil_lm=@{KE_SOIL}, czml_soil_lm = @{CZML_SOIL}, vcflat=11000.0, vcoord_d=30000., 27800., 25710., 23730., 21860., 20090., 18420., 16840., 15360., 13970., 12670., 11450., 10320., 9260., 8280., 7370., 6540., 5770., 5060., 4420., 3830., 3300., 2820., 2390., 2010., 1670., 1370., 1110., 880., 690., 520., 370., 250., 150., 70., 0., /END </pre> </p>

Unfortunately, the corresponding INT2LM namelist to the link Hans-Jürgen provided above is not given in the namelist tool (at least I cannot find it). In the following is the list of the namelist block you need to adapt in the INT2LM. Replace the {xxxx}@ by the values you use. ke_tot=35

  ivctype = 2,
  irefatm = 2,
ielm_tot=@{IE_TOT}, jelm_tot=@{JE_TOT}, kelm_tot=@{KE_TOT},
  pollat =  {POLLAT}, pollon = {POLLON}, polgam = {POLGAM}, 
  dlon={DLON}, dlat=@{DLAT}, 
startlat_tot  = {STARTLAT_TOT}, startlon_tot  = {STARTLON_TOT},
czml_soil_lm = @{CZML_SOIL},
vcoord_d=30000., 27800., 25710., 23730., 21860., 20090., 18420., 16840., 15360., 13970., 
12670., 11450., 10320.,  9260.,  8280.,  7370.,  6540.,  5770.,  5060.,  4420., 
 3830.,  3300.,  2820.,  2390.,  2010.,  1670.,  1370.,  1110.,   880.,   690., 
  520.,   370.,   250.,   150.,    70.,     0.,