extreme value of precipitation over tropic – in #8: General Questions

in #8: General Questions

<p> Dear Colleagues, </p> <p> I agree with the suggestion of Hans-Juergen. </p> <p> Please replace the link to the old namelist-tool whereever it still exists by the following link to the <br/> updated namelist-tool: <br/> http://www.clm-community.eu/namelist-tool/namelist-tool_portal/index.htm <br/> Here you find int2lm as well. </p> <p> Greetings, Andreas </p>

  @andreaswill in #a8a0fe1

<p> Dear Colleagues, </p> <p> I agree with the suggestion of Hans-Juergen. </p> <p> Please replace the link to the old namelist-tool whereever it still exists by the following link to the <br/> updated namelist-tool: <br/> http://www.clm-community.eu/namelist-tool/namelist-tool_portal/index.htm <br/> Here you find int2lm as well. </p> <p> Greetings, Andreas </p>

Dear Colleagues,

I agree with the suggestion of Hans-Juergen.

Please replace the link to the old namelist-tool whereever it still exists by the following link to the
updated namelist-tool:
Here you find int2lm as well.

Greetings, Andreas