Error while running cclm-clm job – in #14: CCLM-CLM

in #14: CCLM-CLM

<p> Hi, <br/> I am having still trouble to run the cclm-clm job over Indonesia. I tried one executable and it stops by the land model with some path the job is looking at which I have never defined (scratch/csm and so on). Another executable also stops with the land model. I have added both joblog files to this message so you can follow. Could anyone please help me with this? <br/> Thank you for your answer. <br/> Best regards, <br/> Merja </p>

  @merjatölle in #c406762

<p> Hi, <br/> I am having still trouble to run the cclm-clm job over Indonesia. I tried one executable and it stops by the land model with some path the job is looking at which I have never defined (scratch/csm and so on). Another executable also stops with the land model. I have added both joblog files to this message so you can follow. Could anyone please help me with this? <br/> Thank you for your answer. <br/> Best regards, <br/> Merja </p>

Error while running cclm-clm job

I am having still trouble to run the cclm-clm job over Indonesia. I tried one executable and it stops by the land model with some path the job is looking at which I have never defined (scratch/csm and so on). Another executable also stops with the land model. I have added both joblog files to this message so you can follow. Could anyone please help me with this?
Thank you for your answer.
Best regards,

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