problem with gcm_to_cclm test – in #12: CCLM Starter Package Support

in #12: CCLM Starter Package Support

<p> I just run the script with nprocx =1, nprocy = 1, as you did. No problems. Therefore I assume this is a problem of your computing system. I have no experience with CentOs and mvapich2. Hopefully another member of the <span class="caps"> CLM </span> -Community has and can help you. </p>

  @burkhardtrockel in #e185555

<p> I just run the script with nprocx =1, nprocy = 1, as you did. No problems. Therefore I assume this is a problem of your computing system. I have no experience with CentOs and mvapich2. Hopefully another member of the <span class="caps"> CLM </span> -Community has and can help you. </p>

I just run the script with nprocx =1, nprocy = 1, as you did. No problems. Therefore I assume this is a problem of your computing system. I have no experience with CentOs and mvapich2. Hopefully another member of the CLM -Community has and can help you.