INT2LM Climate grid decomposition failed – in #10: INT2LM

in #10: INT2LM

<p> Dear Burkhardt, thanks. Unfortunately, adding this line (as well as <span class="caps"> CPPFLAGS </span> , as <span class="caps"> PRAGMA </span> _LIB) get much more errors including netcdf library. Three options -D__INT2LM__ - <span class="caps"> DNETCDF </span> - <span class="caps"> DGRIBDWD </span> get the same result. The original <span class="caps"> PRAGMA </span> _LIB options were - <span class="caps"> DGRIBDWD </span> - <span class="caps"> DNETCDF </span> compiled without netcdf errors. </p>

  @vladimirplatonov in #ce7370e

<p> Dear Burkhardt, thanks. Unfortunately, adding this line (as well as <span class="caps"> CPPFLAGS </span> , as <span class="caps"> PRAGMA </span> _LIB) get much more errors including netcdf library. Three options -D__INT2LM__ - <span class="caps"> DNETCDF </span> - <span class="caps"> DGRIBDWD </span> get the same result. The original <span class="caps"> PRAGMA </span> _LIB options were - <span class="caps"> DGRIBDWD </span> - <span class="caps"> DNETCDF </span> compiled without netcdf errors. </p>

Dear Burkhardt, thanks. Unfortunately, adding this line (as well as CPPFLAGS , as PRAGMA _LIB) get much more errors including netcdf library. Three options -D__INT2LM__ - DNETCDF - DGRIBDWD get the same result. The original PRAGMA _LIB options were - DGRIBDWD - DNETCDF compiled without netcdf errors.