Possible error with sigma coordinates – in #10: INT2LM

in #10: INT2LM

<p> I am afraid you need to change everything regarding <code> ivctype=1 </code> by your own, since using <code> ivctype=1 </code> is no longer recommended from <code> int2lm_1.22 </code> onwards (see below). Using <code> ivctype=1 </code> is on your own risk. </p> <p> In the Documentation <code> int2lm_1.22.htm </code> under <strong> 5. Changes of the Nameless </strong> it reads: </p> <pre> ivctype Changed the default value from 1 to 2: because ivctype=1 should not be used any more. </pre> There is also a warning in the model <pre> PRINT *, ' *** -------------------------------------------- ***' PRINT *, ' *** WARNING: ivctype = 1 is no longer supported ***' PRINT *, ' *** WARNING: !!! use at your own risk !!! ***' PRINT *, ' *** WARNING: defaults have been changed ***' PRINT *, ' *** WARNING: you have to define vcoord etc. ***' PRINT *, ' *** WARNING: by yourself in the namelist ***' PRINT *, ' *** -------------------------------------------- ***' </pre>

  @burkhardtrockel in #cda2618

<p> I am afraid you need to change everything regarding <code> ivctype=1 </code> by your own, since using <code> ivctype=1 </code> is no longer recommended from <code> int2lm_1.22 </code> onwards (see below). Using <code> ivctype=1 </code> is on your own risk. </p> <p> In the Documentation <code> int2lm_1.22.htm </code> under <strong> 5. Changes of the Nameless </strong> it reads: </p> <pre> ivctype Changed the default value from 1 to 2: because ivctype=1 should not be used any more. </pre> There is also a warning in the model <pre> PRINT *, ' *** -------------------------------------------- ***' PRINT *, ' *** WARNING: ivctype = 1 is no longer supported ***' PRINT *, ' *** WARNING: !!! use at your own risk !!! ***' PRINT *, ' *** WARNING: defaults have been changed ***' PRINT *, ' *** WARNING: you have to define vcoord etc. ***' PRINT *, ' *** WARNING: by yourself in the namelist ***' PRINT *, ' *** -------------------------------------------- ***' </pre>

I am afraid you need to change everything regarding ivctype=1 by your own, since using ivctype=1 is no longer recommended from int2lm_1.22 onwards (see below). Using ivctype=1 is on your own risk.

In the Documentation int2lm_1.22.htm under 5. Changes of the Nameless it reads:

ivctype Changed the default value from 1 to 2: because ivctype=1 should not be used any more.
There is also a warning in the model
    PRINT *, ' *** -------------------------------------------- ***'
    PRINT *, ' *** WARNING: ivctype = 1  is no longer supported ***'
    PRINT *, ' *** WARNING:   !!! use at your own risk !!!      ***'
    PRINT *, ' *** WARNING:   defaults have been changed        ***'
    PRINT *, ' *** WARNING:   you have to define vcoord etc.    ***'
    PRINT *, ' *** WARNING:     by yourself in the namelist     ***'
    PRINT *, ' *** -------------------------------------------- ***'