Configuring CCLM for Middle East – in #10: INT2LM

in #10: INT2LM

<p> Hi, <br/> I have successfully ran the cclm-sp-1_4 for 2 months but then there is a problem at the end of third month of my experiment. <br/> As far as I know I use exactly the same <span class="caps"> ERA </span> -Interim files as those I use with the cclm-sp-1.3.4. <br/> In the arttachment you please find the logouts from my cclm run with high level of debugging and also restart (no debbuging). <br/> Please let me know your recommendations. </p> <p> Simon </p>

  @redc_migration in #e08e5d0

<p> Hi, <br/> I have successfully ran the cclm-sp-1_4 for 2 months but then there is a problem at the end of third month of my experiment. <br/> As far as I know I use exactly the same <span class="caps"> ERA </span> -Interim files as those I use with the cclm-sp-1.3.4. <br/> In the arttachment you please find the logouts from my cclm run with high level of debugging and also restart (no debbuging). <br/> Please let me know your recommendations. </p> <p> Simon </p>

I have successfully ran the cclm-sp-1_4 for 2 months but then there is a problem at the end of third month of my experiment.
As far as I know I use exactly the same ERA -Interim files as those I use with the cclm-sp-1.3.4.
In the arttachment you please find the logouts from my cclm run with high level of debugging and also restart (no debbuging).
Please let me know your recommendations.
