INT2LM error code 5051 – in #10: INT2LM

in #10: INT2LM

<p> The end of your <span class="caps"> OUTPUT </span> file is as follows </p> <p> <pre> Variable has been read; number of from total levels read number of levels U T ; 47 47 V T ; 47 47 T T ; 47 47 QV T ; 47 47 PS T ; 1 1 ***T_SKIN F ; 0 1 W_SNOW T ; 1 1</pre> </p> <p> </p> <p> This means that the variable T_SKIN was not found. This is, because it is not in the caf-files. </p> <p> In your namelist file please set <br/> <pre> luse_t_skin = .FALSE., </pre> </p> <p> and try again. </p>

  @burkhardtrockel in #8ce4ddb

<p> The end of your <span class="caps"> OUTPUT </span> file is as follows </p> <p> <pre> Variable has been read; number of from total levels read number of levels U T ; 47 47 V T ; 47 47 T T ; 47 47 QV T ; 47 47 PS T ; 1 1 ***T_SKIN F ; 0 1 W_SNOW T ; 1 1</pre> </p> <p> </p> <p> This means that the variable T_SKIN was not found. This is, because it is not in the caf-files. </p> <p> In your namelist file please set <br/> <pre> luse_t_skin = .FALSE., </pre> </p> <p> and try again. </p>

The end of your OUTPUT file is as follows

     Variable    has been read;    number of        from total
                                  levels read    number of levels
   U                      T   ;       47               47
   V                      T   ;       47               47
   T                      T   ;       47               47
   QV                     T   ;       47               47
   PS                     T   ;        1                1
***T_SKIN                 F   ;        0                1
   W_SNOW                 T   ;        1                1

This means that the variable T_SKIN was not found. This is, because it is not in the caf-files.

In your namelist file please set

 luse_t_skin = .FALSE.,

and try again.