"Int2lm" error with starter "cclm-sp_2.7.tgz" on mistral – in #10: INT2LM

in #10: INT2LM

<p> Dear friends, </p> <p> I want to run <span class="caps"> CCLM </span> over Arctic region on mistral using cclm-sp_2.7.tgz, driven by <span class="caps"> ERAIN </span> terim. I get the following error which I could not get rid of : <span class="caps"> ERROR </span> <span class="caps"> CODE </span> is 1002. The full error is attached along with the job_setting and int2lm.job.tmpl. <br/> I compiled the code using this comment: http://redc.clm-community.eu/projects/cclmdkrz/wiki/Fopts. <br/> And using also my previous ticket: http://redc.clm-community.eu/boards/12/topics/626?r=630#message-630 . </p> <p> I get warnings by it2lm and cclm compilations like this one: “A dummy argument with an explicit <acronym title="OUT"> <span class="caps"> INTENT </span> </acronym> declaration is not given an explicit value.” </p> <p> Many thanks in advance, <br/> Bijan </p>

  @bijanhassanabadifallah in #2a1a5c8

<p> Dear friends, </p> <p> I want to run <span class="caps"> CCLM </span> over Arctic region on mistral using cclm-sp_2.7.tgz, driven by <span class="caps"> ERAIN </span> terim. I get the following error which I could not get rid of : <span class="caps"> ERROR </span> <span class="caps"> CODE </span> is 1002. The full error is attached along with the job_setting and int2lm.job.tmpl. <br/> I compiled the code using this comment: http://redc.clm-community.eu/projects/cclmdkrz/wiki/Fopts. <br/> And using also my previous ticket: http://redc.clm-community.eu/boards/12/topics/626?r=630#message-630 . </p> <p> I get warnings by it2lm and cclm compilations like this one: “A dummy argument with an explicit <acronym title="OUT"> <span class="caps"> INTENT </span> </acronym> declaration is not given an explicit value.” </p> <p> Many thanks in advance, <br/> Bijan </p>

"Int2lm" error with starter "cclm-sp_2.7.tgz" on mistral

Dear friends,

I want to run CCLM over Arctic region on mistral using cclm-sp_2.7.tgz, driven by ERAIN terim. I get the following error which I could not get rid of : ERROR CODE is 1002. The full error is attached along with the job_setting and int2lm.job.tmpl.
I compiled the code using this comment: http://redc.clm-community.eu/projects/cclmdkrz/wiki/Fopts.
And using also my previous ticket: http://redc.clm-community.eu/boards/12/topics/626?r=630#message-630 .

I get warnings by it2lm and cclm compilations like this one: “A dummy argument with an explicit INTENT declaration is not given an explicit value.”

Many thanks in advance,

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<p> I cannot see any error in the namelist settings. Have you tried irefatm=2? Does this give the same error? <br/> The warning during the compilation should not have an impact. </p>

  @burkhardtrockel in #33772d9

<p> I cannot see any error in the namelist settings. Have you tried irefatm=2? Does this give the same error? <br/> The warning during the compilation should not have an impact. </p>

I cannot see any error in the namelist settings. Have you tried irefatm=2? Does this give the same error?
The warning during the compilation should not have an impact.

<p> sorry the address to the domain netcdf file was wrong! ;) </p>

  @bijanhassanabadifallah in #efe980b

<p> sorry the address to the domain netcdf file was wrong! ;) </p>

sorry the address to the domain netcdf file was wrong! ;)