int2lm and ERA5 – in #10: INT2LM

in #10: INT2LM

<p> The chosen <span class="caps"> COSMO </span> - <span class="caps"> CLM </span> domain is too big for the European ERA5 cas files. <br/> The error comes from <code> module src_decomposition.f90 </code> </p> <p> <pre> ! Check whether coarse grid is big enough IF (zminlat &lt; latitudes_in(1+nzbounds_s) .OR. &amp; zminlat &lt; slatitudes_in(1+nzbounds_s)) THEN ierror = 2 yerrmsg = ‘Coarse domain is not big enough‘ <span class="caps">PRINT</span> *, ‘zminlat ‘, zminlat, ‘ &lt; ‘, &amp; <acronym title="latitudes_in(1+nzbounds_s"><span class="caps">MAX</span></acronym>, slatitudes_in(1+nzbounds_s)) <span class="caps">ENDIF</span></pre> </p> <p> </p> <p> the ierr = 2 gives the <span class="caps"> ERROR </span> <span class="caps"> CODE </span> 2222 in the output. </p> <p> and should be listed in the log file. However, the crash may have occurred before the program had flashed out the output. It seems that the problem is at least with the southern bound of the domain. </p>

  @burkhardtrockel in #494d563

<p> The chosen <span class="caps"> COSMO </span> - <span class="caps"> CLM </span> domain is too big for the European ERA5 cas files. <br/> The error comes from <code> module src_decomposition.f90 </code> </p> <p> <pre> ! Check whether coarse grid is big enough IF (zminlat &lt; latitudes_in(1+nzbounds_s) .OR. &amp; zminlat &lt; slatitudes_in(1+nzbounds_s)) THEN ierror = 2 yerrmsg = ‘Coarse domain is not big enough‘ <span class="caps">PRINT</span> *, ‘zminlat ‘, zminlat, ‘ &lt; ‘, &amp; <acronym title="latitudes_in(1+nzbounds_s"><span class="caps">MAX</span></acronym>, slatitudes_in(1+nzbounds_s)) <span class="caps">ENDIF</span></pre> </p> <p> </p> <p> the ierr = 2 gives the <span class="caps"> ERROR </span> <span class="caps"> CODE </span> 2222 in the output. </p> <p> and should be listed in the log file. However, the crash may have occurred before the program had flashed out the output. It seems that the problem is at least with the southern bound of the domain. </p>

The chosen COSMO - CLM domain is too big for the European ERA5 cas files.
The error comes from module src_decomposition.f90

  ! Check whether coarse grid is big enough
  IF (zminlat < latitudes_in(1+nzbounds_s) .OR.             &
      zminlat < slatitudes_in(1+nzbounds_s)) THEN
    ierror  = 2
    yerrmsg = ‘Coarse domain is not big enough‘
    PRINT *, ‘zminlat ‘, zminlat, ‘ < ‘, & 
      MAX, slatitudes_in(1+nzbounds_s))

the ierr = 2 gives the ERROR CODE 2222 in the output.

and should be listed in the log file. However, the crash may have occurred before the program had flashed out the output. It seems that the problem is at least with the southern bound of the domain.